Wisdom tooth extraction

Painless Dental Treatment

All the surgeries performed at Dr.Meera’s superspeciality dental clinic are under utmost attention from our highly skilled oral surgeons. We are also empanelled with some of the renowned hospitals to carry our complex oral surgeries and to offer our patients world class health care facilities with international standards of hygiene and sterilization. We use multidisciplinary approach consisting some of the diligent and highly qualified team of doctors from medical field as well to get maximum treatment outcome. We ensure that specialty care is available to our patients at the earliest.

We perform following surgeries at TCC:

  • Wisdom tooth removal
  • Apicoectomy
  • Cyst/ tumour removal
  • Corrective (cosmetic) jaw surgeries.
  • Temporomandibular joint surgeries
  • Cleft lip and palate surgeries.
  • Surgeries for less mouth opening patients.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

The third molars, known simply as wisdom teeth, erupt between the ages of 17 and 21 years old. The average person’s mouth will comfortably hold 28 of the 32 teeth we are predisposed to have. Since the wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, there is often little room left to accommodate their size and anatomy.Some of us are unaffected by them, others develop painful conditions that require their immediate removal. It is not always a wise decision to keep your wisdom teeth. Find out why they may need to be removed, and where to find them in your mouth.

During your check-up, we may take x-ray to diagnose the need for their removal. This x-ray gives the dentist a clear view of the area around the wisdom teeth, to determine the type of extraction necessary for each tooth. If you require surgery to remove your wisdom teeth, it is helpful to prepare yourself before your appointment for a speedy recovery.

The following four impactions are commonly found in patients :

  • Bone Impaction (Vertical) : 
    Impaction would cause pathosis inside the cheek bone or jaw bone.
  • Bone Impaction (Horizontal) : 
    Besides leading pathosis, horizontal placement would hurt the hard tissue of the second molar to cause toothache and cavities.
  • Bone Impaction (Angular) : 
    Besides leading pathosis, angular placement would hurt the hard tissue of the second molar to cause toothache and cavities
  • Tissue Impaction :
    The wisdom tooth almost erupts out of gum, or its half erupts out of gum to cause pseudo-pocket. Besides leading pathosis, it easily tracts food debris and causes gum irritation.

Condition for Wisdom Teeth Removed

  • They are erupting in to an abnormal position, such as tilted, sideways or twisted.
  • They are trapped below the gum line due to lack of space.
  • An infectionhas developed from trapped food, plaque and bacteria, known as pericoronitis.
  • The way the patients teeth bite together has changed, causing misalignment of the jaws.
  • The erupted wisdom tooth lacks proper hygiene, because it is hard to reach, resulting in tooth decay.

How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed? (Painless Way)

  • Numbing the tooth and tissuesin the area of the mouth, where the wisdom teeth are located, with local anesthetic. (At Dr. Meera’s superspeciality dental clinic we Use Ultra Thin Needles And Instrument From Septodent Francefor Painless Anaesthesia.)
  • Any tissue and bone that is covering the tooth will be removed with the HITECH surgical instruments.
  • Extraction instruments are used to loosen the tooth from any connective tissue in the tooth’s socket.
  • Once the tooth is loose enough, the Dentist .removes it with dental forceps.
  • It may be necessary for the dentist to use stitches to close the tissue to aide in the healing process. Follow all of the instructions after surgery for a full recovery.

Diastema Closure

New definition of smile.

A diastema is a space between front teeth. Diastemas are closed by orthodontics or restoration. A highly successful technique is addition of composite.

A space which is too large and closed with composite results in teeth that are esthetically too wide and orthodontics is recommended. Space closure requires placement of composite two adjacent teeth.