Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Painless root canal treatment

Many patients believe that removing a tooth that has problem is the solution, but what is not realized is that pulling out a tooth will ultimately be more costly and cause significant problems for adjacent teeth. Dr. Meera’s superspeciality dental clinic provides painless root canal treatment with Advanced Protaper Technology using latest endomotor and RVG instant  xray system. Specialist in single sitting painless Root Canal Treatment also specialized in treating failed Root Canal Cases(Re-RCT Cases).

Root Canal Treatment is, in short, a treatment for tooth pain that involves cleaning the tooth and removing the infection which is causing the pain. The cleaned tooth is then protected from further infection by treating them with a solution and inserting fillings. Dr. Meera’s  superspeciality Dental Clinic offers highly cost-effective, painless root canal treatment.

A root canal is actually a hollow space that exists within the tooth. Bacteria living in the mouth or those from the food substances we eat gradually move into this hollow space. From there, they move on to the nerves and tissues and the base of the tooth through the “canal.” When the amount of bacteria affecting the nerves goes above your tolerance level, your tooth starts to ache. This is when you need to undergo a root canal procedure.

During a root canal procedure, the dentist will remove infected blood vessels, tissues and nerves from the tooth, irrigate the hollow to get rid of the contamination and then fill up the pulp of the tooth. The tooth is then shaped so that a crown can be fixed over it. As a result, the tooth is reinforced and looks natural.

Some Indications of the need for RCT

  • An abscess (or pimple) on the gums.
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold.
  • Swelling and/ or tenderness.
  • Spontaneous pain or throbbing while biting.
  • Discoloration of the tooth.
  • Severe pain during sleep.

Procedure of Root Canal

Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

  • When there is an acute infection with no pus accumalation in & around the tooth, RCT can be completed in a single sitting. The biggest diagnostic aid in this case is an X-ray. The Xray usually indicates presence of pus accumulation in the form of a change (radiolucency) around the root tip of the involved tooth.

Multiple Sitting RCT Procedure

  • When there is a chronic / long standing infection showing pus accumalation in & around the tooth without or with swelling abscess, RCT require multiple sittings to drain the pus.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

  • Root Canal Treatment can prevent or stop toothache and/ or infection.
  • Root Canal Treatment allows otherwise unsalvageable teeth to be saved and then restored
    fixed), with either a filling or crown.
  • Without Root Canal Treatment the tooth would inevitably have to be removed due to pain and/ or infection. There is also a risk that the infection can spread beyond the tooth if RCT is not done.

Preventive Measures

Early restoration of the decayed teeth and periodic check up can prevent the infection of the pulp tissue.

Crown And Bridge

Restore your smile with dental implants

Dr.Meera’s super speciality dental clinic offers the best crown and bridge providing METAL, CERAMIC, ZIRCONIA crown and bridge with Warranty of 5, 10 to 15 years.

Specialize in metal free restorations like IPS Empress esthetic, IPS EMAX press from IVOCLAR, PROCERA from Nobel Biocare, LAVA from 3M ESPE, CERCON from Degudent, ZENOSTARFromIvoclarVivadent and ZIRKON ZAHN from Italy.