General Dentistry

We are here to take care of you

General Dentistry involves the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of wide variety of conditions, disorders and diseases affecting the teeth, gums and maxillofacial (associated with the jaw and face) region of the body. General Dentists provide services related to the general maintenance of oral hygiene along with diagnosis and treatment of common dental problems.

Our Services

  • Consultation and counseling for treatment plans
  • Related Diagnostic advice followed by diagnosis
  • Provide advice to maintain Oral Hygiene healthy

Basic Treatments

  • Routine Extraction of Tooth / Teeth
  • Minor Surgical Extraction of Tooth / Teeth
  • Filling of Tooth / Teeth
  • Oral Prophylaxis (Scaling)
  • Root Canal Treatment (RCT)
  • Crown Preparation and Fitting
  • Ordinary Prosthesis
  • Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery

Healthy gums Healthy life

Dr Meera Gohil is one and only leading periodontist in Jamnagar, Gujarat, Dr.Meera’s superficiality dental clinic provides painless conventional and Laser Gum treatment. she is Specialist in Laser gum Treatment.

Gum disease ( pyorrhea or Periodontists) :

GUM DISEASE, also known as PERIODONTITIS and PYORRHEA, is a set of inflammatory diseases affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. GUM DISEASE involves progressive loss of the alveolar bone around the teeth, and if left untreated, can lead to the loosening and subsequent loss of teeth.