
We make your smile

General Dentistry

We are here to take care of you

General Dentistry involves the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of wide variety of conditions, disorders and diseases affecting the teeth, gums and maxillofacial (associated with the jaw and face) region of the body.

General Dentists provide services related to the general maintenance of oral hygiene along with diagnosis and treatment of common dental problems.

Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

Painless root canal treatment

Many patients believe that removing a tooth that has problem is the solution, but what is not realized is that pulling out a tooth will ultimately be more costly and cause significant problems for adjacent teeth.

Dr. Meera’s superspeciality dental clinic provides painless root canal treatment with Advanced Protaper Technology using latest endomotor and RVG instant  xray system.

Crown And Bridge

Restore your smile with dental implants

Dr.Meera’s superspeciality dental clinic offers the best crown and bridge providing METAL, CERAMIC, ZIRCONIA crown and bridge with Warranty of 5, 10 to 15 years.

Specialize in metal free restorations like IPS Empress esthetic, IPS EMAX press from IVOCLAR, PROCERA from Nobel Biocare, LAVA from 3M ESPE, CERCON from Degudent, ZENOSTARFromIvoclarVivadent and ZIRKON ZAHN from Italy.

Dental Veneer

This life like material Creates a Natural Looking Smile

Veneers (sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates)  are  the materials thin in size, placed over the teeth so as to mainly improve an aesthetic oral appearance and to save the teeth from any further damages.

In this procedure, a small amount of tooth enamel is removed with the veneer then being applied on.While they give the best natural look to our teeth, they also provide great strengths and resilience to them.

Teeth Cleaning

The fastest way to get a whiter, brighter smile

Dental health is an important part of your general health. Whatever your age, you can and should have healthy teeth. Correct dental care can help you keep your teeth healthy for a lifetime. Scaling is one such procedure that keeps your gums healthy and firm.It is a procedure used to remove infected deposits like plaque, calculus and stains from the tooth surfaces. Such deposits, if not removed by scaling, cause infection and loosening of the gums, ultimately leading to pyorrhoea and tooth loss.

Teeth Whitening

The fastest way to get a whiter, brighter smile

Millions of people suffer from dental discoloration to varying degrees. Even those who brush, floss, and visit the dentist regularly may find that food, environmental factors, and the passage of time will eventually take their toll on the natural radiance of their teeth. Fortunately, professional teeth whitening is an incredibly effective way to lighten or altogether eliminate stains and achieve a naturally white smile.


Dental fillings help to restore cavities and bring a damaged tooth back

A filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. When a dentist gives you a filling, he or she first removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material.

By closing off spaces where bacteria can enter, a filling also helps prevent further decay.


Cosmetic dentistry can straighten, lighten, reshape & repair teeth.

Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that focuses on treating patients with improper positioned teeth, lips, tongue and jaws to improve a person’s smile and oral health. This is done with  the use of specialized appliances, which are either fixed dental appliances or removable dental appliances.

These devices can be used to straighten teeth, correct an irregular bite, close unsightly gaps and bring teeth and lips into proper alignment.

Dental Dentures

Dentures make you look and feel your best

Dr. Meera’ssuperspeciality dental clinic provieds All types of Denture under one roof to replace your missing teeth. Modern technology has improved the quality and strength of the dentures today.

Our center offers current denture technology to improve oral health function and smile.

Child Dentistry

Your child's optimal Dental Health is our Priority

As we know, ‘Prevention is better than cure’. At Dr. Meera’s superspeciality dental clinic we are most concerned with all aspect of preventive care so that every child has the right to grow with a healthy smile.

Our goal is to make your child’s experience as comfortable and positive as possible by creating a ‘child-friendly’ environment.

Gum Surgery

Healthy gums Healthy life

Dr Meera Gohil is one and only leading periodontist in Jamnagar, Gujarat, Dr.Meera’s superficiality dental clinic provides painless conventional and Laser Gum treatment. she is Specialist in Laser gum Treatment.

GUM DISEASE, also known as PERIODONTITIS and PYORRHEA, is a set of inflammatory diseases affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Painless Dental Treatment

All the surgeries performed at Dr.Meera’s superspeciality dental clinic are under utmost attention from our highly skilled oral surgeons.

We are also empanelled with some of the renowned hospitals to carry our complex oral surgeries and to offer our patients world class health care facilities with international standards of hygiene and sterilization. .

Dental Implant

Your smile is important to us

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that provide a permanent base for fixed, replacement teeth. Compared to dentures, bridges and crowns, dental implants are a popular and effective long-term solution for people who suffer from missing teeth, failing teeth or chronic dental problems.

Because they fit, feel and function like natural teeth, dental implants are quickly becoming the new standard in tooth replacement.

Diastema Closure

New definition of smile.

A diastema is a space between front teeth. Diastemas are closed by orthodontics or restoration. A highly successful technique is addition of composite.

A space which is too large and closed with composite results in teeth that are esthetically too wide and orthodontics is recommended. Space closure requires placement of composite two adjacent teeth.

Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is a revolutionary way of administering Dental Care.

Laser dentistry offers a highly effective alternative to painful and noisy drilling procedures. Lasers can now be used to perform a variety of functions, including cavity removal, tooth restoration, and periodontal surgery.

Dental lasers can also remove plaque and dental decay from a cavity-affected tooth, preparing it for a filling. A laser beam can also help harden bonding material.

Sensitive Tooth

Do you have sensitive teeth?

Tooth sensitivity also known as dentin hypersensitivity — affects the tooth or exposed root surfaces. This occurs when the enamel that protects our teeth gets thinner, or when gum recession occurs, exposing the underlying surface, the dentin, thus, reducing the protection the enamel and gums provide to the tooth and root.

Tooth sensitivity affects up to 57% of the population

Smile Designing Treatments

Clear way to perfect smile

A smile begins and ends with emotion. The appearance of our teeth has the potential to communicate our health and attractiveness. If an individual has “bad teeth,” it can be socially crippling. But Every person is not fortunate enough to have a beautiful smile.

The answer to the above problem is aesthetic dentistry which has developed leaps and bounds with the latest materials and technologies.

Dental Jewellery Treatment

It is a latest fashion craze.

To really be glamorous tantalize your teeth with dental jewellery.Surprise your friends with a sparkling crystal glass design or something in gold with a twinkle of ruby or diamond.

These tiny little designs are great fun and because there is no drilling involved, they won’t harm your teeth. It is a painless procedure where the jewellery is just cemented onto one’s tooth.